OM and G, you don’t know how lucky you are–you have hit the show jackpot! Dig this: you can come see a whole SLEW of Trough Records artists in one night. How many is a slew? Seven! Nine if you count the duos individually! In fact, here are all the artists besides yours truly, in Slew-O-Vision:
When will this happen? SUNDAY JUNE 5, 2011 –7:30 PM at the at the Fremont Center Theater in South Pasadena, 1000 Fremont Avenue. All ages welcome, call Lois at (626) 969-0778 for reservations. Tix are a mere $12 – that’s like $1.75 per act! $1.30 if you count duos individually!
If nothing else, show up to ask Andrew Lorand why he’s using a promo picture of himself with his eyes closed.
See you there!