
Phil Ward in Phoenix on Friday, April 17!

Warn your loved ones!

Hey, this gig popped up out of nowhere, like the 1999 St. Louis Rams. If you’re in the Phoenix area next weekend, I hope you’ll join me at what promises to be a nifty intimate venue. If you know people in the area who have a strong enough constitution to withstand the Phil Ward comedy barrage, I’d be much obliged if you’d send ’em my way.

WHEN: Friday, April 17, 10:30 pm
Music at 8. The talented Brad Colerick and Annie Moscow play at 8:50 and 9:45 respectively. They’re good.
WHERE: Fiddler’s Dream Coffeehouse (serving non-alcoholic drinks, and snacks)
1702 East Glendale, Phoenix, 85020
(Southeast corner of 17th St and Cactus Wren)
HOW MUCH: Three bucks! No way, right? Totally true.
For info:
For detailed directions:

Thanks to all of you who came to see the play FILM at Theatre of NOTE, or tried to but couldn’t get tickets. And to the rest of you for considering it. You guys all rock.