Hey, friends! My recent single Like An Angel is currently the featured song on https://thefump.com, home of The Funny Music Project. It’s just what it sounds like; a website (and podcast) devoted to new music that’s humorous.
You’ll find Like An Angel right there on the main page from now until Friday Sep 9, and after that, for a while anyway, it’ll still be findable in the list down toward the bottom of the page. And their podcast, The Funny Music Podcast, will be cast out into the world live this Thursday night, Sep 8, at 6pm Pacific; I and other featured artists will be live on the air, talking about our songs and other hilarious things, for around an hour. (I’ve been on the podcast before, when they featured the song Jury Duty, written by Brian Woodbury and me and recorded by Brian.)
To listen to it live, go here:
…scroll down the page to the Thursday listings, and click on The Funny Music Podcast (The FuMPCast). Then you get to choose which site/platform you’d like to listen on. You can also listen to it later, at your leisure, by finding The Funny Music Podcast wherever you get your podcasts, or at least wherever I get mine.
Of course, you can still listen to Like An Angel and purchase it at
Big thanks for your continued support and enjoyment of Like An Angel, despite the obvious physical discomfort it subjects the listener to. Let’s have another look at that terrific cover illustration by Mark McCracken!